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Change from the inside out.

Potter’s Wheel can transform your life, relationships, thoughts, ability to feel and view of God. In Potter’s Wheel, you’ll learn how we bear the image of God, how sin has marred that image and how God restores broken people. You will also learn four ways we reflect the image of God and how each of these capacities have been corrupted by our experience in a fallen world. You’ll spend time each morning learning about the four capacities and each afternoon exploring what we’ve learned through an experiential lab called “soul care.”


Making pottery

"You, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. 

Isaiah 64:8


What is the schedule?

Potter’s Wheel lasts 5 days. Each day follows this schedule: Breakfast 7:30-8:00 Learning 8:00-12:00 Lunch 12:00-1:00 Lab 1:00-5:30

What is the cost?

The list price is $450/student, but there are some discounts available.

When is it available?

See below for the latest dates.

How can I prepare?

If you would like to prepare for your time at Potter’s Wheel, please read the following books:

- Understanding People, Dr. Larry Crabb 

Encouragement, Dr. Larry Crabb & Dr. Dan Allender

Renee's Experience

"I experienced Potter’s Wheel a little bit like sparring back in the day when I trained in Kung Fu. I was usually a little excited and nervous to spar and when I was done I was sore, bruised and tired, but I always walked away feeling stronger and exhilarated, even if I did get my butt kicked! Potter’s Wheel helped me take an honest look at myself and has shown me certain patterns of behavior I was doing I was not aware of; and it also taught me just how impactful my childhood has been on making me the woman I am today. How all the good, the bad and the ugly experiences of my childhood has woven together to form my personality and these behavioral patterns. Simply being aware of these behavioral patterns and finding out why they have formed has freed me to make changes in my life to become a better wife, mother and daughter since experiencing Potter’s Wheel. Even though I feel like I got my butt kicked a few times in Potter’s Wheel and my heart got a little bruised and sore, I definitely walked away a stronger woman of God and more exhilarated for life!"

I'm Ready

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